How's that for faint praise?
Saw the latest Star Wars. To say the film avoided risks would be to put it mildly.
Reading this little bit from Scott McCloud illustrates the feeling I got while watching the movie:
That said, they avoided the worst moves (moves all too possible <koff>Hobbit<koff>) For that element of restraint I must express relief.
I really liked the Maz Kanata character whose story I could stand seeing more of. Sort of an orange Yoda-meets-tiger-mom - force-aware without all the Manichean over-determined destiny going on. Room left for a viewer to have some genuine curiosity.
John Boyega had a tough job, which he did well, with Finn. The script was, IMHO, stumbling in its haste to remedy the franchise's past history of racial and ethnic bias. Good intentions, but, if it weren't for Boyega's presence and some good laugh lines, a compounding disaster lying in wait.
I also like the scale and patina of ruin established by having Rey spelunk the derelict ship.
One suspects Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher didn't want to be there, but they didn't literally or figuratively take a crap in the middle the camera frame. Apparently Abrams was satisfied with that much. He should consider himself lucky.
A film that doesn't deal a death blow to the franchise.
What more could we expect?
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